Wednesday 1 May 2019

Book Review: Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari.

Hegel's 'Philosophic history' envisions a Universal, rational and intelligent spirit that guides and shapes the course of history. By nature it is unknowable but it is good.He explains his methodology and its merits of this universal and dominant spirit over the other approaches, especially against the cultures that does not believe in the linearity of time and progress, with special reference to other German thinkers who were influenced by the ancient Hindu canons of his times [ Von Schlegel]. Spirit of the state and arriving at a universal truth, becomes important pre-requisites for a Hegelian Approach. 

Yuval Noah Harari's methodology of linking up all the world events and facts based on evolutionary principles and a linear time line in a lucid narrative style generates a free falling anxiety. Selective abstraction of voluminous facts, building a crescendo of tension and ending on a high note prophesy then becomes a performative art using science. Especially when he starts prophesying in the last chapters of Birth of a useless class and beginning of a new religion - Dataism. 'Big brothers and corporates are watching us and measuring all the human activity data we record in our smart phones and internet devices' - 'Surrender yourself completely to the new 'Bio Algorithms' - 'New evolutionary forces are in action'. Proposition without a valid methodology turns out in to a sensationalised mind numbing media slogan. Using the so called scientific principle to buttress a popular sentiment raises second thoughts. 

Oddly , the ancient Sumerian Super Hero, Gilgamesh [2000 BCE] was already two thirds Human and one third Divine. A true, 'Homo Deus' in construct.. He fails to upgrade himself successfully to a full Homo Deus status during his times. If he was born today, may be a song in YouTube or a lecture in podcast would have fixed his misery and elevated him to a full Homo Deus status.. 
The king who proclaimed that ‘History is rife with Hegel’s illegitimate children’, did not name his own child to be a prince. When history moved on there was not a need for a prince. - Translated from , Meenakshipuram Deivakumar Muthukumaraswamy , மைத்ரேயி மற்றும் பல கதைகள், 2014.

‘Dataism’ is one such new Hegelian child borne out of the labour and vigour from the honey pot of Evolutionary Champs. The technophobe old school psychiatrists tried to abort this foetus a decade ago, by calling it internet addiction disorder. The failed attempts has yielded a new child for the evolutionary champs to play with. Whether the champs would name it a prince and seek power or marry it to Spirituality champs to elevate it to its life mission of turning in to ‘Homo Deus’, time would tell.

Time for old slogans; ‘God is in Sky’, ‘God is in Humans’, ‘God is collective unconscious’, God is Dead’, ‘God is Alienation’, ‘God is power’, ‘God Is neuropeptide’, ‘God is Global warming’ , etc.. to rest for a while. One more new child has joined the list, ‘God is a Data’. So on and so forth, for story tellers.
For Humour in Syllogism : 
An e-book cover of a ‘non-fiction book ’ (Titled: ‘ Man God’) from an author (c. 2 years ago). The body is of human language, but the Logic is none. This is one of the first indisputable examples of art, and probably of religion, and of the ability of the human mind to imagine things that do not really exist. 
An ivory figurine of a ‘lion-man’ (or ‘lioness-woman’) from the Stadel Cave in Germany (c. 32,000 years ago). The body is human, but the head is leonine. This is one of the first indisputable examples of art, and probably of religion, and of the ability of the human mind to imagine things that do not really exist.