Friday 16 March 2018

A Single's Snake and a Sushumna

A Single's Snake and a Sushumna
Home Womb
Settee Placenta
‘thrown in’ Dasein
Ultimately alone with one self
Ancient canons, Rules..
The cosmic Angst
Reverberates as ‘OM’
Dystonic cursing as tinnitus
Syntonic making its most out
Stepping in and out of home
Between existential ‘Either Or'
The ‘ida- pingala’ serpents
Shuttles to intertwine on..
Jungian 'Anima -Animus''
Shamanic Jungian 'Shiva - Shakti'
Taoist ying yangs
Balancing on Shushumna's Rods
The rod of Asclepius
Keeps searching for its
Nether commercialised partner
Wanderlust Navigates Universe

Dasein - Existence / Human condition of 'being there', passively imbuing angst thrown at it. 
Ancient Canons - The Do's and Dont's of Yoga Sutras, Manu, Kama Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Tablets of Moses, Ten commandments, Torah and books that set the civilizational constitutions. 
'OM' - An Hindu cosmological sound, that enables to see everything as a Primordial Vibration leading to the forms and orders of the universe. 
Dystonic / Syntonic - Ego Syntonic or Ego Dystonic - The view that is agreeable to the self of disagreeable to self. 
'Either Or' - Kierkeggards book 'Either Or'. Either to lead the life of a mistaken Christian [ say for that matter Muslim or a Hindu] or to take a giant leap of faith and lead an authentic religious life [ Victorious Hermit] 
Ida - Pingala - Sushumna : Yogic or Tantric belief system where masculine flow of energies dominate the Shiva / Right side and Feminine flow of energies dominate the Shakti / left side. Sushumna representing the central energy channel when the energies are well balanced. 
Shamanic - The art and Practice of entering in to trance with rituals and divination without the need for any text based practices. 
Anima - Animus : Jungian Archetypes, unconscious inner personalities of our opposite sexes
Asclepius - Caduceus : When the essence of Asclepius as a traditional healer is lost in its Caduceus compromise where the essence of War and Commerce was infused into the art of healing.

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