Tuesday 31 July 2018

Humanities Perspective on Autism Vs Personality Disorders

This book is new on the stands. Would not say hot off the press. More cold logic and lot of hours of drudgery. But I am personally satisfied with the scholarship and the openness for new ideas. The book is available in Karmac books online.
Albert Einstein once said: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
‘ Semitism and Brahminism’ is such a powerful and overpowering knot as a result of thousands of years of linear and rational thinking as dictated by the vicissitudes of civilisational trajectories and relentless cultural wars. We end up picking up the pieces in our day to day clinical works is the occupational hazard of our professional lives.
Brahma is the creator of social, political and cultural orders of our civilisations. All the roads to hell are paved with the best intention as Samuel Johnson puts it. So for all the right and wrong reasons, the knot of Brahminism and Anti Brahminism evolves and comes across our ways of clinical work of the Psychiatrist and Brethren Psychologists.
APA Diaspora Jewish Psychiatrists campaigned to make Anti-Semitism as a diagnostic entity in its own merit. The dissenting faction from the same group contended in Autocorrecting the habits of the methods of Semitism through rigorous reflection and taking Kanner’s Autistic Spectrum Disorder as a valid tool to allay the evils in the system of Semitism puritanical concepts. Simon Baron Cohen’s Zero Degree of Empathy captures how the empathy gets lost in both Autism and Personality disorders, i.e: Semitism Vs Anti Semitism. And he is the leading figurehead for UK Autistic Communities.
I picked up this seed / thread from Rk Rudhran and have been working on since 2007, with little or no progress so far. I reached calamitous conclusions and paid a hefty price with my mental health in my juvenile and relentless pursuit with this and retired hurt since 2015. But the new openings from Jewish Psychoanalysts have rekindled my hopes for a better future. Clinical diagnoses are often persecutory and Recovery tools from psychologists are nurturing in a motherly way.
I am keen to learn any new developments taking place in Indian milieu from my teachers and colleagues to see if any attempts to tame the holy cow in to the clinical canons of recovery similar to our American masters. There are a lot of interdisciplinary learning that takes between : Psychology and Humanities ( Folklore, Anthropology, Literature and Fine Arts) which has made this dream in to a ground reality. The religious essence gets distilled in to the agents of social care in this process. Whereas the holy cow approach held by the nexus of powerful families and aided by religious institutions are making the recovery to mental well being available to the chosen few in this network. How social institutions could spread this to the very last socially disadvantaged avoiding calamitous agents of change like Marxism is the challenge in front of us. To me it means more scholastic vigour, open mindedness, more tea , meditation and endless conversations.
If Jewish Prof Simon Baron Cohen is able to convert the angst of Jewish Genocide in to an useful role of championing for the Autistic Spectrum disorder and defend it against its predators of Personality disordered anger, thereby cleansing his memories of the trauma.I believe the same could prove useful in to converting the trauma of the Tamil Genocide from the Indian consciousness by introducing the clinical model of Autism and its antagonists in using personality disorder clinical concepts. That would be my campaigning message in a nut shell. And Humanities could tamper and shape it further to an useful clinical entity. 
On an end note: The key message from Islam is ‘ The creator / Allah stands away from his creations’ avoiding this kind of getting in to Brahminism trouble. And it is heavy snow for the past few days and I am stranded in my own home. Looking through the windows of pristine and pure snow creating some homogenous order and taking away all the diverse happiness I am used to. I would be very happy to lead, follow and shake hands with one and all who share similar interest. Starting a new division in RCPsych college in the international relations can be a help or hindrance as you can advise me. 

Old and Dirty Gods: Antisemitism and Psychoanalysis :

4 A’s of a Creator

Titled : 4 A’s of a Creator
( Autism, Ambivalence, Association Loosening, Affect Dysregulation ) 
This picture below captures the birth of civilisations and birth of its gods and leads on to think about the histories of their lived lives ( Puranas / Sunnah). 
The cosmic mouth piece is littered with Maha Shunya, Big Bang, Imagined landscapes of the garden of Eden, The dextro and Laevo rotating Shanku - Conch. The cosmic mouth piece is straddled to a Mahayoni , the originator of all new lives and new beginnings. The Mahayoni is perpetually churned out by a Mahalingam aiding the process of creation. 
The first indigenous man from the Woods looking to the Civilisational orders of things in order to interact is Adam / Rudhran. Eve and Rudhran’s consort are capable of managing their own inherent desires for the Fruits of Labour of the newly found civilisations. The responsibility in materialising this desire could be ascribed to their male counterparts. As female kind in general tend to avoid the anxiety of authorship for causing any transgressive rebellious act. So based on your biases you can ascribe the rebellious act of stealing the light/fire/knowledge for civilisation of the cities to this first man or first female. 
Snake here represents the satanic rebel aiding Adam and Rudhran in a symbiotic way to steal the Apples / fruits of civilisation/ light/ fire/ knowledge and all good things nice and warm. The transgression results in Adam’s Apple poisoned with ‘Hyper-Cholinergic substances’ acquiring the Neelakanda status. Paganic and Shamanic utterances giving the forest men ( Adam and Rudhran ) the prominent Adam Apples to distinguish it from their atrophied Indigenous first city dwellers is left to imaginations. 
The disillusioned City Dweller taking interest in the orders of a forest dwelling life could be understood from the lived lives of Prometheus, Voltaire, Rousseau, Marx so on and so forth. 
If the entire process of creating a rebellious act is sponsored by Uncles of Prophets like Muttalib ( For Mohammed ) or Cassius ( Brutus) , their lived lives takes a different connotation. That the creator of trouble or a new order is outside of his creations. 
The Cosmic Grinders are in perpetual motion churning their Big bangs, Shankus ( Conchs) and other countless cosmologies and a million lived life stories. 
In this Instance the Snake by mistake instead of stealing an Apple , uproots the entire tree of our lives. Amen, Om Shanti and Insha Allah. 

Misinterpretations most welcome.
Medium : Paper Unruled
Size : 15 cm x 9 cm
Materials used:
Blue Ball Point,
Tea - Indian Chai,
Malabar Coffee Powder,
Urid Dhal - Pakistan Produce,
Oil - Virgin Olive - Italy,
Mustard - India,
Today’s Fresh Snow - Birmingham local produce,
Honey - Australian Flowers
Sugar - British Beet Sugar 
Artist: JP Rajendran, 3/3/18. 
Dedicated to : Prophet’s Uncle ( Abbas ibn ‘Ab’dal Muttalib.

Automatic and Orderly

Automatic and Orderly
Outer Circular
Inner Longitudinal 
Ever Dreaming 
Muscles of
Gods and Dogs

Thursday 19 July 2018

A Few Poems and a Few Notes

The surplus value of Darwin’s Free Labour.

ஆத்மாநாமின் கவிதை: 
"முத்தைப் பறிகொடுத்துக் கதறும்
சிப்பியின் ஓலம்
தூண்டில் மீன்களுக்கு
உண்டு ஒரு கூடை
என்றும் நிரந்தரம்"

சுயம் நோக்கிய ‘ தயை ‘
பிறன் நோக்கிய ‘ தயை’ -  [View shared by Prof MD Muthukumaraswamy ] 

The poem asserts that :
Cravings / Grief related to
Pearl and Caviar
can be eternally discordant
Natural selection theory fail to notice this..
When a natural selection view is added to the same, this ends up on a rather bitter note like this: 
சுயம் நோக்கிய ‘நோய் / தயை ‘
பிறன் நோக்கிய ‘நோய் / தயை’
The surplus value of Darwin’s Free Labour.

Van Gogh and a Mount Fuji

Indian Psychiatry is something like the primitives, like the Indus Valley Civilization , like our old Tholkappiyam , Ramayana , Mahabharata, Upanishads , Patanjali , Thevaram, Tamil literature. It doesn’t end.

How Van Gogh's inspired Art works, helped to see the Beauty amidst the numbness of industrialised Netherlands is history. Japanese paintings start with Fuji mountain. For Indian psychiatry the visions of Himalayas. Moving this essence to Agathiyar's Pothigai and Thinai Literary theories aided by Cholinergic musings is the crux that compels and entices me. 

Meenakshipuram Deivakumar Muthukumaraswamy’s - Epistemology of Sangam Literature ( Thinai Literary Theories) remains a fertile ground to sow the Seeds of a Nascent Cholinergic Muse. Visualising the Thousand Eyed Goddesses helping to cross this Ford ( Thinai) is quite comforting to envisage this task.

In Donkey’s work of a scholar or Playfulness of a Poet, I shall rest and trust. 

Ida - Pingala Serpent Dance of Science and Humanities. 
The challenge is how to be a Jew,Muslim,Christian, Buddhist ,Hindu and Human together.
Dont forget commies.

The challenge is to how to be an Anthropologist, Psychotherapist and a Female together. 
Don’t forget Poets.

A New Sign 
A Sign Board on the Plato's Cave:
No Outside Food Allowed. 

Evolution of an idea in Facebook 
Evolution has only one commandment : You shall have Sex. 

English Evolution has only one commandment : Thou Shall Have Sex. 
English Literature has only commandment:
To have, or to not to have
21st Century, Common Era

Artist -Unknown 
To be used when: 
Jewish - ‘Mother’ 
Christian - mothers
Hindu - ‘Mothers’
Islam - Mother
Cannot substitute
Conspicuous Epistemology
Seven Virgin
Of Hindu and Islam
Surplus Yonis in Navayonis of a
Anomalous Shreechakras
Misfitting Shabda Matrikas 

One of the pleasures of Tamil:
Aksara - Immutable, indestructible nature of form that demands rigorous rule following of ‘Meters and Syllables’ . 

Shabda - Omnipresent, mystical nature of form that comes with ‘Matrikas and Silences’.
Both are Sanskrit words.

Mothers and Fathers
" Psychoanalysis. The mother of all fathers" -- Slavoj Žižek

The corollary:  
" Religion. The Father of all Mothers.

ஆணுமில்லை, பெண்ணுமில்லை, அலியுமில்லை - 1
சுத்த அறிவு
உப்புக்கு சப்பாணி.
குல முதல்வன் தான் புது குலத் தலைவி.
( Patriarch is the New Matriarch. )
ஆணுமில்லை, பெண்ணுமில்லை, அலியுமில்லை - 2
சுத்த அறிவும்
சிவன் எனில்
சக்தி என்ன
உப்புக்கு சப்பாணியா?
Is patriarch the new matriarch?

‘Father’ is conceptualised across cultures in various forms and Names. Abrahamic civilisations ( Judaism, Christian and Islam) contend with Lord, YHWH and Holy Father. Hinduism has its equivalence in Shiva as the Father figure. Shakthi the Universal Mother. Shiva is equated with Pure Knowing ( Sutha Arivu) and Love. Arive Sivam/ Anbe Sivam. The universal dimension to this: God is Love. My contention was if Knowledge and Love is attributed to the Male Aspect. What attribute should be given for female goddess- Shakthi?  

My friend Tharangini commented- Knowing is a male thing. The desire and drive to knowledge is more overpowering for males. Along with it goes the control and domination. Love and Intuitive reasoning is a female quality and attribute for the female goddess. The female hence retains a universal desirability status. Across all civilisations, this female status remains an enigma. So the Male gods play the female roles too according to the needs of times. The Hindu father figure plays the role of cosmic father, cosmic mother and a sexless being. Bit complicated to communicate the differences between different Father figures in different religions. But that’s the problem we encounter, if we think about that.

A sign board on the Plato’s cave: No outside food allowed.
A sign board on the Plato’s cave: No outside food allowed.
A sign board on the Plato’s cave: No outside food allowed.

Sunday 15 July 2018

Two Poems, One Short Story, One Comment and A Note

Two Poems, One Short Story, One Comment and A Note:

The Dog - Art Review ( Masterless Dog )

The Dog is the name usually given to a painting by Spanish artist Francisco Goya, now in the Museo del Prado, Madrid. It shows the head of a small dog gazing upwards. Wikipedia
Artist: Francisco Goya
Location: Museo Nacional Del Prado
Created: 1819–1823

Comment :
This captures the essence of the Dog ( Ordinary human beings ) without its Master ( Masters of Civilisation - God, Story makers, Philosophers and poets who create Order). Goya captures the essence of Godless Spain of his times through this Masterless Dog Image. Sits well with Pavlov - The Dog explorations.

The State’s high Five

The food Nazi
The form Nazi
The sex Nazi
The Grammar Nazi
The Health Nazi
Intoxicating upon
My day's five fruits

High Street - Short Story

John is in his fifties, he doesnt have a home. Council could not get him a right kind of home for more than 12 years. Drugs, sex, family, alcohol never interested him in a big way. He does not take alms. He is not interested in the attention of others. He does not complain about the council. He does not complain about the rubbish in the street. For 8 to 12 hours he picks up rubbish on streets and puts it in the bin. He is not better than the council workers. He does it free. The last time he told me that's what he does to keep himself warm. He shies about his weakness. He blushes when he says that. He does not want more rubbish. He likes the street clean. He smokes. I gave him a pack of Red Marlboros. He did not want them. He smiled and walked away. He is High Street British. He is Rudhra. He is Noah. He is Abraham. He is Nhbody. He is Nemo. He walks. He Walks. He Walks. A peripatetic cleaner of Ancient Greek Streets. Employed institutional cleaners from Council may have a view. And importantly he is Sound. A good Egg.

Boomerang or The Post Colonial Poet - Poem

Phrenic nerve arises from Cervical plexus roots carrying sensory, motor and sympathetic fibers to supply thoracic diaphragm regulating breath.

Vagus nerve is also a mixed nerve with parasympathetic tones but running a long and vagabond course innervating heart, lung, gut and Uterine cervix.

Burping, farting, ejaculating, evacuating to the heart's content is the union of a Male Nerve and a female Nerve.

Shiva and Shakthi
Yin and Yang.
Aminergic and Cholinergic
Vishnu and Sri Lakshmi
Brahma and Saraswathi
Mohammed and Uncle
Autism and Personality disorder
Onion and tomato
Ginger and Garlic
Tea and Biscuit
Oedipus and Mom
Electra and Dad
Samuel Johnson and Boswell
Fries and Ketchup
Cats and Dogs
Etc and A Etc..
Insanity and Wisdom

Phrenic nerve in Duo with Vagal nerve.
The samadhi for Orgasm
and Boredom

The mercurial Geological realities
Makes Fuckers to twin their hearts with :
Somatic control
And Fuckers to twin with 
Autonomic control
Hemlock overflows ...


Diaphragm was conceived to be the seat of mind. Hence the term 'Schizophrenic' for those who lose control of Phrenic nerve of Excitability.

Rectum was considered the seat of Mind. Hence the term 'Gutted' and 'Gutless'..

The army that survives the tirade often marches on its potbellied stomach. Without the aid of Antipsychotics the ‘ Agathiyars, Buddhas and Pillayars ‘ Organically sex up their potbellies.

Males: The male attractive factor or Male libidinal assertion has Ten avatars of Vishnu. The state’s ideal dainty boy. Dasa Avathars. Case histories of Heroes.

Females: The female attractive factor or libidinal exposition has ten avatars of Parvathi. The Dasa Mahavidyas.

Capital : The common capital or ‘Mudhal’ ( Tamil) / Mool / Mooladhara or wealth of hinduism has eight avathars. The wealth of cattles, fearlessness, fertility, creativity etc.. Avatars of Wealth 'Sree Lakshmis’.

Nemo or the Nameless: The Avatar less gods of hinduism seek more attention :

Shiva - the lord of Empathy that consumes poison like the kindred of- Socrates, Buddha and Jesus. Creating disorder, begging and doing all deviant things to create and adjust newer orders.

Saraswathi - A goddess who understands the plight of Autistic savants like Brahma, Darwin, Einstein and safeguards their interests and well being. The avatarless girls protecting the males and females who go the extra literary miles.

End of a Beginning: In the end till the love for a Powerless Gay Science surpasses the love for Narratives of Shiva and Saraswathi, there will not be a creative New sociology and psychology that can flower in India.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Shivers and Loves

'Lexi' the little dog
standing and shivering
in front of a superstore
on a leash by the master..
'Not the snow'
says the master
It's the anticipation of the mother
who has gone shopping
that makes the 'Lexi' shiver..
Erasmus Darwin & Samuel Johnson are
taking the notes in their humanities
on the ancient city streets of Lichfield.

Picture Courtesy : ' Beano'  the Dog. 

A mother’s love for her shopping, Vs A dog / Son’s love for the return of its mother on time. 

Monday 2 July 2018

Minister of Loneliness

Minister of Loneliness 
A man for all seasons
Hides himself in overflowing beards
the stifling wisdom
covering itself in
muds of well cultivating
Well cured addictions
and millions of lonelinesses
Compassion dances with
the Utopian Angsts
transference of the street priests
Sings its own songs
with blue birds
Cinderella mans
Othellos of the States
Turkish Barber wives
Every word your eyes
Chew in
Is a cholinergic stimulant
Bungs up your
Bowel and hearts
Thousand eyed Goddesses
are unheard of in Greece and Rome
One eye would do
A changed meaning
Is a Carminative
Better than a diet coke
And / or Tulasi waters
Beer remains the
Antidote to all
Right wing Calamities
A Loss of Love’s Labour