Tuesday 31 July 2018

4 A’s of a Creator

Titled : 4 A’s of a Creator
( Autism, Ambivalence, Association Loosening, Affect Dysregulation ) 
This picture below captures the birth of civilisations and birth of its gods and leads on to think about the histories of their lived lives ( Puranas / Sunnah). 
The cosmic mouth piece is littered with Maha Shunya, Big Bang, Imagined landscapes of the garden of Eden, The dextro and Laevo rotating Shanku - Conch. The cosmic mouth piece is straddled to a Mahayoni , the originator of all new lives and new beginnings. The Mahayoni is perpetually churned out by a Mahalingam aiding the process of creation. 
The first indigenous man from the Woods looking to the Civilisational orders of things in order to interact is Adam / Rudhran. Eve and Rudhran’s consort are capable of managing their own inherent desires for the Fruits of Labour of the newly found civilisations. The responsibility in materialising this desire could be ascribed to their male counterparts. As female kind in general tend to avoid the anxiety of authorship for causing any transgressive rebellious act. So based on your biases you can ascribe the rebellious act of stealing the light/fire/knowledge for civilisation of the cities to this first man or first female. 
Snake here represents the satanic rebel aiding Adam and Rudhran in a symbiotic way to steal the Apples / fruits of civilisation/ light/ fire/ knowledge and all good things nice and warm. The transgression results in Adam’s Apple poisoned with ‘Hyper-Cholinergic substances’ acquiring the Neelakanda status. Paganic and Shamanic utterances giving the forest men ( Adam and Rudhran ) the prominent Adam Apples to distinguish it from their atrophied Indigenous first city dwellers is left to imaginations. 
The disillusioned City Dweller taking interest in the orders of a forest dwelling life could be understood from the lived lives of Prometheus, Voltaire, Rousseau, Marx so on and so forth. 
If the entire process of creating a rebellious act is sponsored by Uncles of Prophets like Muttalib ( For Mohammed ) or Cassius ( Brutus) , their lived lives takes a different connotation. That the creator of trouble or a new order is outside of his creations. 
The Cosmic Grinders are in perpetual motion churning their Big bangs, Shankus ( Conchs) and other countless cosmologies and a million lived life stories. 
In this Instance the Snake by mistake instead of stealing an Apple , uproots the entire tree of our lives. Amen, Om Shanti and Insha Allah. 

Misinterpretations most welcome.
Medium : Paper Unruled
Size : 15 cm x 9 cm
Materials used:
Blue Ball Point,
Tea - Indian Chai,
Malabar Coffee Powder,
Urid Dhal - Pakistan Produce,
Oil - Virgin Olive - Italy,
Mustard - India,
Today’s Fresh Snow - Birmingham local produce,
Honey - Australian Flowers
Sugar - British Beet Sugar 
Artist: JP Rajendran, 3/3/18. 
Dedicated to : Prophet’s Uncle ( Abbas ibn ‘Ab’dal Muttalib.

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