Thursday 19 July 2018

A Few Poems and a Few Notes

The surplus value of Darwin’s Free Labour.

ஆத்மாநாமின் கவிதை: 
"முத்தைப் பறிகொடுத்துக் கதறும்
சிப்பியின் ஓலம்
தூண்டில் மீன்களுக்கு
உண்டு ஒரு கூடை
என்றும் நிரந்தரம்"

சுயம் நோக்கிய ‘ தயை ‘
பிறன் நோக்கிய ‘ தயை’ -  [View shared by Prof MD Muthukumaraswamy ] 

The poem asserts that :
Cravings / Grief related to
Pearl and Caviar
can be eternally discordant
Natural selection theory fail to notice this..
When a natural selection view is added to the same, this ends up on a rather bitter note like this: 
சுயம் நோக்கிய ‘நோய் / தயை ‘
பிறன் நோக்கிய ‘நோய் / தயை’
The surplus value of Darwin’s Free Labour.

Van Gogh and a Mount Fuji

Indian Psychiatry is something like the primitives, like the Indus Valley Civilization , like our old Tholkappiyam , Ramayana , Mahabharata, Upanishads , Patanjali , Thevaram, Tamil literature. It doesn’t end.

How Van Gogh's inspired Art works, helped to see the Beauty amidst the numbness of industrialised Netherlands is history. Japanese paintings start with Fuji mountain. For Indian psychiatry the visions of Himalayas. Moving this essence to Agathiyar's Pothigai and Thinai Literary theories aided by Cholinergic musings is the crux that compels and entices me. 

Meenakshipuram Deivakumar Muthukumaraswamy’s - Epistemology of Sangam Literature ( Thinai Literary Theories) remains a fertile ground to sow the Seeds of a Nascent Cholinergic Muse. Visualising the Thousand Eyed Goddesses helping to cross this Ford ( Thinai) is quite comforting to envisage this task.

In Donkey’s work of a scholar or Playfulness of a Poet, I shall rest and trust. 

Ida - Pingala Serpent Dance of Science and Humanities. 
The challenge is how to be a Jew,Muslim,Christian, Buddhist ,Hindu and Human together.
Dont forget commies.

The challenge is to how to be an Anthropologist, Psychotherapist and a Female together. 
Don’t forget Poets.

A New Sign 
A Sign Board on the Plato's Cave:
No Outside Food Allowed. 

Evolution of an idea in Facebook 
Evolution has only one commandment : You shall have Sex. 

English Evolution has only one commandment : Thou Shall Have Sex. 
English Literature has only commandment:
To have, or to not to have
21st Century, Common Era

Artist -Unknown 
To be used when: 
Jewish - ‘Mother’ 
Christian - mothers
Hindu - ‘Mothers’
Islam - Mother
Cannot substitute
Conspicuous Epistemology
Seven Virgin
Of Hindu and Islam
Surplus Yonis in Navayonis of a
Anomalous Shreechakras
Misfitting Shabda Matrikas 

One of the pleasures of Tamil:
Aksara - Immutable, indestructible nature of form that demands rigorous rule following of ‘Meters and Syllables’ . 

Shabda - Omnipresent, mystical nature of form that comes with ‘Matrikas and Silences’.
Both are Sanskrit words.

Mothers and Fathers
" Psychoanalysis. The mother of all fathers" -- Slavoj Žižek

The corollary:  
" Religion. The Father of all Mothers.

ஆணுமில்லை, பெண்ணுமில்லை, அலியுமில்லை - 1
சுத்த அறிவு
உப்புக்கு சப்பாணி.
குல முதல்வன் தான் புது குலத் தலைவி.
( Patriarch is the New Matriarch. )
ஆணுமில்லை, பெண்ணுமில்லை, அலியுமில்லை - 2
சுத்த அறிவும்
சிவன் எனில்
சக்தி என்ன
உப்புக்கு சப்பாணியா?
Is patriarch the new matriarch?

‘Father’ is conceptualised across cultures in various forms and Names. Abrahamic civilisations ( Judaism, Christian and Islam) contend with Lord, YHWH and Holy Father. Hinduism has its equivalence in Shiva as the Father figure. Shakthi the Universal Mother. Shiva is equated with Pure Knowing ( Sutha Arivu) and Love. Arive Sivam/ Anbe Sivam. The universal dimension to this: God is Love. My contention was if Knowledge and Love is attributed to the Male Aspect. What attribute should be given for female goddess- Shakthi?  

My friend Tharangini commented- Knowing is a male thing. The desire and drive to knowledge is more overpowering for males. Along with it goes the control and domination. Love and Intuitive reasoning is a female quality and attribute for the female goddess. The female hence retains a universal desirability status. Across all civilisations, this female status remains an enigma. So the Male gods play the female roles too according to the needs of times. The Hindu father figure plays the role of cosmic father, cosmic mother and a sexless being. Bit complicated to communicate the differences between different Father figures in different religions. But that’s the problem we encounter, if we think about that.

A sign board on the Plato’s cave: No outside food allowed.
A sign board on the Plato’s cave: No outside food allowed.
A sign board on the Plato’s cave: No outside food allowed.

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